I`m not much of an artist as you can see, especially by the weird hands and odd angled stick looking cups in this picture. But this is another card I did about eight years ago. Happy with everything but those hands and cups and too busy or lazy to fix them at this point in time. It works well with this post though, so I stuck it up anyway. This is my version of the Angel of Temperance, or rather, the Temperance card. I did end up making 28 of them into actual cards.It symbolizes perfect balance. Balance that feeds the spirit and revitalizes. The depicted angel has mastery in mixing and blending to create this. I used prisma colour pencils on paper, much more brilliant than showing here. This is an old picture of an actual card I`d made. Managed to get about 46 of 78 pictures done, the best, all of three, posted previously. The rest, I`m afraid are drawn more like this one. But still, they all carry a message of some sort. Life became busier so this project was put aside and perhaps also due to seeing other artistic styles I liked so, so much better but just couldn`t do LOL.
The Angel of Temperance is about finding that good balance. I`m going to use some of that, this long weekend. It`s Labour Day long weekend here in Canada. Though I don`t intend to do much in that department...I`ll spend a little less time on the computer, so I may not post for a day or two and more on a good book, visiting with my friend who is feeling much better and coming to visit... and resting between some chore bits and pieces....oh and having a look at those bricks of my brother`s. Hubby and me are planning on going to the movies too. Not sure which one to see yet.
I`ve been an early bird and a night owl all at once most of this week and though both times of day are nice, it`s caught up with me and I`m tuckered! But yaaaaahoooooo....it`s Friday! Happy weekend everyone.

****painting by William Waterhouse called "Saint Cecilia"****
I love all Waterhouse paintings.
Have a great weekend. My kindergarten style graphics well........ I try to draw everyone says what is it?????
Give yourself a big pat on the back!
the card is wonderful! angel of temperance - hmmmm I like it.
have a wonderful time over the weekend - it is good to take time out from the computer. enjoy your friend, your rest, your books and the movie. xox
ps- thanks for the compliment about my photo - that was taken at my daughters wedding last year - lots of makeup and hair done. :)
Your weekend plans sound just about like mine. I plan lots of doing nothing in there too! Have a fun, relaxing weekend and enjoy.
OOps....forgot to say I love the drawing and I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
I like the drawing and I'm the same can't draw hands and not too good at feet, But what is it with hands that make them so difficult? I try to put things in hands or cover if possible so I don't have to draw them all.
Hope you have an enjoyable long weekend and get some relaxing and socialising done.
The drawing looks good to me. I can't even paint a stick person.
Have a great holiday weekend. I didn't realize that Canada also celebrates Labor Day.
meme - what you do is pick up a book e.g. such as the one you are reading at the moment. Turn to page123 of that book. Count down the first five sentences on the page. The sixth sentence is the beginning of your quote, which is the sixth, seventh and eighth sentences on that page. Copy these out onto your blog and then say what the book title and author are. It stands in its own right, just a fun thing to see what the quote says. Well that is what Sandy tagged me to do. You can read her's as another example on Vintage Collage and Quilts.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Your drawing is fantastic; only you see the "imperfections." Everyone else sees only the whole image and what it represents.
The Waterhouse painting is so you: calm, peaceful, and relaxing.
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