I like the shrubs this size. Now they just need to grow some more leaves. It may be too late this year for much growth. Oh and a nice door would be perfect.....sigh.

Used the last of the bricks up and decided to cut in and under the trees so that there will be a shady spot to sit. A good 36 inches or more left at this end to brick. And an awning would be nice someday, but for now....improvise.
My guess is we`ll need 3 more small loads of bricks to finish it, both ends. They are slightly crooked in spots due to walking on them. Can`t wait for the last stage of dumping sand inbetween and filling the bits in the circle with little dark grey stones to match the large centre one which isn`t very visible in this picture because it hasn`t been raised up. It`s shaped like a heart a bit. We also have to cut some bricks to finish up the outer area of the circle.
Had to stick the fancy cement planter in the garden out of the way for now.
I think this looks lovely! The circle turned out very well. Clever to use a hear shaped stone in the center-- nice touch of whimsy.
You've been busy!! Looks great. Its going to all be so pretty, Tea. A labor of love for sure.
Hey..I thought you'd like this. I'm a real tea fan and I foud Margarita Tea. LOL Made me think of you for sure!
Oh dear..that link didn't come out right. Let's try this..
www.teatresures.com and in the search area..enter "margarita" It'll take you there. So you see you CAN have your Tea and Margaritas too. LOL
Thanks for the link Sadie :) The first one worked and the second didn`t lol
Boy, that sounds interesting!
I love the look.....I have some real brick as an edging, and need more.....I took them from the first place I had them, and put them in a new place.....now the first place is empty.. I do like the circle in the middle that is really cool......it looks like you have a nice back yard.....
I'm really loving the look of your paved area...well done you guys!
I think the shrubs look very nice trimmed like that.
Very cottagey looking.
The bricks are wonderful!
What a wonderful look! I love your door!!!! I love the way you have your lace pulled back, so pretty. Yes, you have been busy. Those bricks are going to be gorgeous. It will be well worth your time when you're done. Think of all the years of enjoyment the patio will bring. Think it's margarita time! xoxo
You may have said this at some point in your blog, but will you be growing things up the wires, or leave them bare?
I`ll be growing things up the trellis Christine. I`ve always dreamed of a walled garden. It`s going to takes ages for plants to cover it all in though.
The brick work is coming out incredible.
This whole house / cottage is perfectly perfect !!!
My gosh I am in love. Right down to the spot old Teddy scratches.
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