These are pictures I took while on my walk around a few weeks back. Looking closely you can see the dragonfly. I haven`t tried to zoom in yet with the lens unfortunately

While reading a little story about symbols at Epiphany Santuary blog, I was reminded of one of my own experiences.
About 10 years ago now, I was standing outside under the big willow tree when a dragonfly landed on my finger.
Surprised, I held her up closer to my face, thinking she would fly away but I might get a quick close up look before.
Well, she didn`t fly away. She sat there staring at me. I began to speak to her and she moved her tiny head back and forth as I spoke.
It was amazing. As if this dragonfly were as curious about me as I was of her.
I`ll never forget that experience.
Another time I had just finished reading a book on animal communication, called "Animal Talk" by Penelope Smith and decided to something a try for fun.
I was at my cousins the first time I tried it. She had an older dog who was in the other room.

I sat and pictured myself calling her in my mind with motions rather than words.
She came into the room. I was floored.
Then I tried it on Teddy. Pictured somewhat the same thing in my mind from another room. He came to me.

Now convinced that we can telepathically communicate with animals, I tried it on young Angus. It didn`t work. He didn`t come.
Then I remembered reading that it`s harder to get through to goofballs.......errrr I mean the younger ones.

How lovely all your beautiful scenes of nature, and flora and fauna and animals and
the dragon fly is also good luck!
What lovely photos - Angus is gorgeous! The dragon fly experience is something to remember - I've had that happen with a butterfly. I must try some telepathic communication with Bilbo Baggins - I rather think he's still in the Angus class , even though he's 3 years old now!
I do believe we once were able to freely communicate with animals but over time have pretty much lost that ability....although some people still retain it.
The dragonfly photos are so pretty. And of course I love the photo of Angus.
You know, a dragonfly (or damselfly, as that one is, I think) can see you much more clearly than you can see it. So maybe that little insect was curious about you. I had the same experience with a praying mantis in a field in France once. It looked at me as an equal. Mind you, both insects were here way before humans and they probably will outlast us too.
Yes, children can be very wise. It`s amazing some of the things they come out with.
And the dragonfly as a totem. Interesting idea. The Grand Illusion by Styx.....great song, your comment reminded me of that.
I`ve always been partial to crows for some reason though.
That is a great story about the Dragonfly...they look like little aliens don't they ... so interesting. I think the Chinese have a superstition linked to the dragonfly as a spy of somekind for the gods....I might have that mixed up - don't quote me !
As for Animal Speak...I have tried this too and yes ! it works !
Unless we're both just crazy.
~ ??? ~
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