
"Woof! What about me?"
Living in the country, loving, working, thinking.......something of a keepsake for me to look back on, of my beloved pets and family,interesting things, oh yes, and my decorating atrocities.
Me, too!
Great link....thanks. Lots of good info and some interesting tidbits.
Hi there,
I just came across this article (G'day, cow! Farmers say animals have accents) and thought of your previous post about cows.
Shane Marie
Gonna check that out! Thanks Shane Marie.
Sounds like your poor friend had a migraine, hope she's feeling better now, it's a very horrid thing to suffer from. Your hair is a lovely colour, I'm dark-haired with a red sheen but I've always thought I'd like to have really auburn hair, never wanted to be blonde though. I have virtually no grey even at almost 60 - thanks, mum, for those great genes! 'Woof' to your canine friend, he/she looks very huggable.
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