.....and now in September, same window there somewhere, would love, love, love window panes and maybe shutters. But I took the screen out at least, so no more ugly cat flap until I figure something better out. There`s still not a lot of blooms, but the plants have filled out a lot. And nothing got damaged when Elvis decided to have a nice dig to lie in the dirt when the plants were smaller.
I blamed it on the cats until I caught him red-handed, the devil. A simple scolding brought the funniest look to his face and he never did it again luckily.
I did have a small pot of impatients on the wheel but the cats keep knocking it off into the garden. Maybe next year I can find something small enough not to get in their way and heavy enough not to fall off.

One of my climbing roses that was planted in July actually has more than one bloom at a time on it and the other plant in front is Beard Tongue.

My Sedum is finally going to bloom. I planted this last summer and it`s spread quite a bit. It`s over on the far left side of that funny wheel stump thing. Can`t see it in the garden picture. It was raining when I took these today and I didn`t quite get the whole scene.

...And I now have some bulbs to plant for the spring.

The only colour I couldn`t find was red. I thought a splash of red would work well snuggled in somewhere with this combination. These will look pretty in the back garden and some in the front.
I bought some:
Scilla in a mix bulb batch of white, pink and mauve
Latifolium - Grape Hyacinth in partly blue and partly purple...unusual looking things
4 Crocus in pink and white and purple and mauve
Forbesii, called Glory in the Snow in mauve
Hyacinthus in Blue and Pink
Allium in a violetish purple
I want some red....I`ll find something red.....
Thought of going and actually finding proper pictures of these to make for more interesting looking, rather than reading a list but...time...never enough of it and a slow connection so this will do. Next spring I can photograph the real thing, that is if they grow. I may plant them upside down. hehehe
Not sure what a more familiar name would be for some at the moment but I know Allium is Wild Fancy Onion or something like that.
For someone with the word "garden" in her blog, I`m not very informative. tsk.
***Supernova Update:
Lukas, Dilana and Storm were the final bottom three. Storm went home. It was kind of sad, but she`ll do great on her own. Lukas was a surprise and luckily he didn`t go.
I`m rooting for Toby... and Lukas as second choice. But I still really do like Magni too. He fits well. But there`s his little family....that prevents me from wanting him to win. Not a good racket to get into for a family man. It`s best to be single in this sort of thing.
Hubby downloaded some of Lukas` own music and is it ever good! Tonight at 7pm they are doing a special on how Lukas got chosen for this show. I have to work unless I get a call this morning :( Coronation Street and Rock Star are on at the same time. It`s going to be a challenge for hubby to tape both at the same time for us!***
Your flowers look so nice....mine are going crazy! I have the tallest cosmos I have ever seen...I will take a photo and post it! I also LOVE rock star super Nova...(Dave Navarro)...I liked Dilana for the longest time...but Toby rocked last night...and he is so cute...he fits in well! Glad you stopped by my blog! I love yours!
I think the garden looks beautiful! Any idea what the name of the climbing rose is? And the bulbs are a wonderful promise for spring. I love planting in the fall, and then seeing what comes up! Sadly, the chipmunks get a very expensive winter meal much of the time, and I am left with a few measly crocus and daffodils!
Pretty flowers...I wish I knew more about them, but for now, all I can say for sure is if they're pretty or not ;)
Oh..Tea! You're garden is growing well! The bulbs will be gorgeous next spring. My grandma used to call them "her spring bloomers." LOL
Love you!
I am gently reminded that fall is upon us...it's late and I'll have much more to say mannana...love the blooming plants at this time of the year...later...
The climbing rose is called Rosanna by Northern Pride
Your front garden is really pretty, I love the way you've edged it with white stones. The bulbs will look lovely in spring, the only bulb I can think of with red flowers is the tulip - there's tulipa greigii Red Riding Hood, a lovely 8 inch tall one called tulipa linifolia and a lily flowered tulip called Red Shine. These are in UK of course so don't know if you'll find them in the US but I don't see wy not. There'll be others anyway. Whereabouts was the estate that your dad worked on ? I've just remembered there's also ared flowered corydalis called George Baker and one called Firecracker. They like cool conditions under shrubs though so may not be suitable for your climate.
Just found you! (Via, Momma, Savvy City) Love the garden! have you read the English Cottage Garden? I just posted about it last week. Think you would enjoy!
That patch of garden will be beautiful next summer, really full. Yes, I must get ready to start planting bulbs too.
Your garden really filled out since July. Beautiful climbing rose.
When will you be planting the bulbs? They will make a nice bunch of color next spring.
Thanks everyone for the nice comments on this half done garden :)
And Zoey....I`ll be planting the bulbs either this weekend or during the week I think. Have to get doing those bricks!
To Mr. Wink Wink......didn`t even bother checking so......
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