It doesn`t particularily look English style, maybe European though....I like it. Angus of course had to get in on the scene....

I bought these mums and asters. Clumped them all together for now. Be nicer in proper planters and pots. They have an incredible amount of budding blooms on them! I`m hoping to find out from Garden Web whether I can save these over the winter some how. They`re just too pretty to not at least try....

The tomato plant continues to grow like mad......

Here`s one tomato.....

And here`s the other that mysteriously appeared in the front room this morning.....

This afternoon it`s time to space all those bricks properly. Then we`ll grab some more bricks to finish and then fill in the sand up to the circle anyway. Hubby is going to cut some bricks next weekend while I`m away with my sister to Toronto to visit my daughter.
TGhe circle is looking good, Looking forward to seeing it finished. The chrysanthemums look wonderful, I was really taken with all the pots of them that I saw outside people's homes when I was last in the US, I've bought a couple for the outside of my house in a beautiful rusty bronze but still need to get them into proper pots. Having seen your big clumpof pots I think I'll get some more - they look so good all together like that.
You will have better luck overwintering these plants if they are in the ground, or if you dig holes for the pots, and then set them into the ground and fill in the blank spaces with dirt. Mulch very well and all should be fine.
Thanks for the tip Acey. I`m going to try this.
Don't you love when things "mysteriously" appear! hehe. Those asters are to die for! I can't wait for cooler weather!!
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