Awwwww...one of my son`s toys from years ago that hubby dug up .....

Putting down the sand and sweeping it.....

All done....

The centre, with bits of leaf that was blowing around and stuck here and there. I took these two pictures in the rain yesterday after work. It`s swept away all the excess sand anyway. The lava rocks turn almost the same colour as the heart shaped stone in the middle when the sun shines. .....

I got a couple more potted mums, creamy white this time, and put one here with the other mums and asters along with some I potted myself in early summer. You might notice that in some pictures the bricks look very dark and in others very light. They are inbetween in reality......

Angus was out chasing Isobel, lost her, and gave up.....

Isobel found a good hiding place.....

Very smart- you must be proud of all your hard work! The cats seem to like it too!
This is a lovely post...let's have tea or margaritas in the garden...I've dug up old toys,too it's kinda sad ya know...kids gettin bigger and all...
chat soon.
Everything looks so very lovely indeed.
Blessings to you!
Your finished patio looks terrific. You must be so pleased with it. More chrysanthemums aa well, what lovely colours they are - am off to the garden centre tomorrow so I can have a similar show. Isabel and Angus are so nice, please`give them a little stroke for me.
It's beautiful. Want to come do mine?
Thanks for sharing.
Aww, the cats are so cute!
Very nice looking brickwork~ love the heart-shaped stone as the central piece!
What a pretty garden you have, how you must be looking forward to summer next year and enjoying it all the time. I do like your fat caterpillars, very dramatic!
You guys did a great job. It really looks professional. Don't ya just love the watch cats? Thay are so expressive even when they sit and stare. They can be the picture of patience and then be a quick as lightening.
The Mums are gorgeous.
Really beautiful, Tea. I'm just in awe of how lovely it is. Such a labor or love.
You did a marvelous job.
aaa ! this was so much work ! and it is so so beautiful ! my gosh everything is perfect - that heart rock ? that is so precious in the center like that.
Someone would think you were an artist !
I see kitty looking at us there....Hi Isobel Kitty ! You have a pretty sweet little place there .
wow, I am just blown away.
I so want to come over there and have tea / margaritas !
Your brick patio turned out beautiful.....it looks very neat.. and I agree with one crabapple, I want to come over for tea and margaritas too......
uuuuuuu..whata' cat!
Oh tea you patio has turned put beautiful! I love the center with the heart stone!
out not put lol
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