When I was a child I played with Barbies. I also climbed trees, but that`s another story. How could I ever forget her, she`s still around and showing off more then ever.
I`ve often wondered why I wasn`t blessed with Barbie`s more than generous bosom.
I`ve often wondered why I wasn`t blessed with Barbie`s luscious long legs.
On our wedding eve I wore a lovely pair of 4 inch high pale silverish/pewterish strappy satinish sandles.
I knew they wouldn`t be comfortable.
I knew I would want them off shortly after I`d put them on.
But I knew they would look good.
Why would one wear something that makes one teeter and totter backwards and forwards, makes one break out into a sweat?
Fashion darling!
I`ve never been able to properly wear the most sleek, the most sexy shoes. The kind of shoes that make a woman walk like a woman. The woman who enters the room with a small hint of the arch in her back...the glide...or the strut in her self confident steps.
Because, as you see, I`ve been blessed with Barbie`s feet.
Now that stinks.

The things that have been done in the name of fashion!! LOL
Good fun post :)
Thanks :) The nail polish does look a little odd but I was too lazy to actually physically paint my toes red so I "painted my toes red" as you can see LOL
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