Went searching on the web and after reading at "Garden Web" http://www.gardenweb.com/ about others who have had this same thing happen to them and some of their horror stories. I then went searching for home remedies as a last resort before making that dreaded trip back to the doctor.
This is working!!!! My prayers are being answered. I`ve made a poultice of dry mustard and baking soda, slapped it on thick and wet and covered it with a big bandaid. Before that I soaked it in an extremely warm mixture of water and lots of Epson salts. When I woke up this morning the pain had subsided a lot as had some of the left over swelling. I`ve been doing the same all day while doing my hair and baking chocolate chip cookies.
I`m keeping my fingers crossed.
where have you been? I love your blog!! another kindred spirit. I am really looking forward to getting to know you through our blogs! off to read the rest of yours - blessings & bliss xox
Hi, you are obviously a new blogger, well I am quite new to blogging myself, just began about three months ago. Found you through ms*robyn. You are the first Phil Rickman fan I have come across on blogs, I have read nearly all his books. My very favourite is the one set in Glastonbury. Love your cats. Pop over and see my blog sometimes we seem to have a few things in common. Back soon Love xx
Hope you're better soon. I'll come right over and have some cookies with you! (Another ms*robyn'er here)
What a beautiful kitty. I followed you over from Rosa's blog. I hope you're feeling better too!
what a great blog
I'm coming back !
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