......................................................................................................................................................... UPDATE: I decided to keep to the old fashioned way of laying the other bricks. I don`t like the look of how they will surround the circle that`s showing in the picture. Seems to take away from the circle. Hopefully I can get more done next weekend.
We went to hubby`s job site today and over to the dumping ground for bricks left over and just thrown away. I wanted the red, terra cotta and ones with a hint of black on them because I think the reds look warm and inviting with plants. They`re still quite dusty but should wash up nice and deep. Too tired at the moment. We picked up as much as we could haul home for the start and began a pattern in the back garden. Only had enough for the circle but at least it`s a start. May need to cut a few bricks for the inside better with the right tool. We`ll level the rest and fill it all in with sand after we get more bricks. Some of the spaces in the circle will look nice with a bit of moss growing in the cracks. The bricks will go right up the the door and we`ll leave 2 feet along the front for more plants. The bench can go down the other end and eventually I will most likely paint that grey planter maybe black or? as well as those raised wooden bed boxes. I can picture it with some nice big strategically placed potted plants too, a delicate wrought iron table and chairs over by the side maybe, delicate because the area is narrow and long, a high plant wall and an arbor leading out to the lawn...so many plans and ideas. And it`s gonna take forever for the laurel and boxwood to get big. I`m totally exhausted. It was so hot again today too
! Whatever happened to those nice hot sunny days with no humidity? That`s the best summer weather.