Unbelievable....go away! We have had snow some years on Halloween but it`s not even the middle of October yet. Weird, pretty, but weird....and it`s still here and coming again today apparently....

I went around and took one of the back garden. You can see the mums peeking through the snow.......

Here`s the little front garden....

And here`s a snow dog. He`s not quite sure what to make of all this yet.....

Another bizarre thing happened as we were putting away the groceries. I had put a very large set of four wine glasses and glass pitcher up above the cupboards on the shelf to store for my daughter because she doesn`t have the room for it. Some movement must have disturbed it after all this time,because it began coming down. Both of us just stood in the doorway shocked as we watched them one by one fall and smash into tiny pieces, the whole lot.
What a mess! Luckily the animals weren`t in the room and we kept them out until it was all painstakenly cleaned up and then sweet hubby carefully washed the floor to make sure it was all gone.
OMG Tea! Can't believe my eyes! Snow in October! That really makes me shivering here! Fingers crossed it'll melt very quickly and not come back until December!
Strange thing with the glasses falling down. You haven't had a little earth quake haven't you?
We don`t have earthquakes here thankfully. It must just have been from the movement of opening the cupboard one too many times and they finally decided to jump close to the edge without my noticing in time.
Well, you got some beautiful pictures out of it, anyway. And one classic Elvis photo!
I'm not envying you one little bit! I like snow as long as I can look at it from a distance and not have to actually be in it! We get snow on the mountaintops around us but seldom any here at lower levels. Poor Elvis looks a bit confused....and cold!
Hello Ms. Tea...
I think your snow pictures are soooo whimsical...I live in a tropical country and have never experienced snow...I've seen trillions ov' pics though and live the cold through letters and pics from my family and friends abroad...
However, I must say..your pictures seem to captivate the essence of what snow is...like I'm almost there...brrr!...Lovely...lovely though...
And...wow to your other pics...Yes, I do remember the last time I peeked in here you were off somewhere...wonderful time you've had no doubt..thank you for sharing!...
It's me...
( changed the links...upgraded my site..)
We, too, had snow yesterday, and more today. Fortunately, the ground is still too warm for much of it to stick. We have heard the U.S. is in for an "El Nino" weather pattern this year....lots of snow, but not very cold. Not sure if that is something I am looking forward to. I think I would rather have really cold temps, with little snow, except, of course, the snowfall on Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Incredible!! I thought it was only just autumn!! Amazing photos though- thanks for sharing.
Here in the UK we have just had another lovely sunny day- not at all like autumn for other reasons!
Great pictures, I haven't seen snow in more than twelve years but it was in a December. Well, I will get a cup of hot chocolate and I will think of you. Hugs for you my dear Canadian friend.
If it was Nov. or Dec. I'd say wow! beautious pics. The photos are beautiful, really, but noe early Oct. thank you very much.
It's a helpless feeling watching something fall like that and not be able to save those glasses.
thanks for visiting, love your cats and Elvis, is he a merle blue collie?
don't envy you the snow, brr....
We had a little in Southern Ontario last night where we are, and also sleet, but nothing stayed on the ground.This is something I'm never ready for..!
Poor Elvis..thunder and snow all in the space of two days..!
I can't believe that your are photographing snow and I was out in the garden this afternoon hanging out washing in a short sleeved t-shirt with all the windows in the house open, thinking how unnaturally warm it was for the middle of october.
Oh my Jack Frost went into high drive! I hope my winter scene post did not start this...I really hate the snow! The images of the animals are too CUTE!!Yes the dogs are such scardy cats when there is a storm!!
Its amazing to think you are having snow already. Is that Elvis I see out there in the snow, poor boy wants his couch back!
COOL!!! Its pretty too. Funny how one day the weather can be so temperate and the next...BRRR!!!
Like Daisy I've had a short sleeved t-shirt on all day! Your snow picture wasn't a surprise though because my friend in NH e-mailed and said they'd hada heavy frost and that Buffalo had a couiple of feet of snow. Love the look on Elvis' face! Sheer bewilderment! It's a shame about the glassware, you didn't practice your skills as a catcher in the outfield then? :)
The snow makes a pretty picture.. I love your doggie sitting and just letting the snow fall down on him.
What a shame, watching the glasses fall, and feeling so helpless...
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