I went outside this morning in the back garden with my coffee and looked at all the mess of leaves. Since it hasn`t rained yet today, and since it seems to rain everyday almost, thought I`d better clean up and prune and remove all the leaves from the bricks and the gardens. Look at the wild grape vine growing through the trumpet vine. It`s the big dying yellow leaves.

Of course everyone except Isobell joined me.....

Goodbye roses, hope to see you again next year....

Hmmmmm....someone or something has stripped all the leaves off this one....

The guilty one?....

Looking better for now.Roses hilled up, mums cut down and covered, maybe they`ll come back and dead annuals pulled. I`m leaving the perennials alone so they`re protected better and will prune them next spring.

Couldn`t toss away these. Maybe they will dry okay inside.

I also went around front and cleaned up there, pruned the killer rose bush and pulled a lot of ajuga out of the flat stones and trimmed back a mad vine that takes over the garden bed and snakes out on the pavement. Now after three hours I`m done for the day. Well outside anyway. A woman`s work is never really done :)
I`ll patch up the ceiling tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I like your little helpers - it's good to have things sorted out before winter starts isn't it? I need to get outside again and do some more tidying up - I'm spending too much time blogging recently!
Very nice blog..and lovely garden too:)
I find it quite sad clearing everything away. I like it to be growing!
A woman`s work is never really done ........
Isn't that the truth!
The pink colors of your roses are so pretty!
I spent about three hours outside today, too. It feels good to get it done, doesn't it?
I love the way the furry ones wander about when we work outside.They always seem to be so interested and afraid they might miss something. If we could just train them to rake leaves, and come to think of it...paint as well!
oh look at those gorgeous roses - thankyou, they healed my heart.
and thankyou for the lovely comment, supporting my gal - xoxo
Oh my! Beautiful, beautiful roses! Just wonderful! I can almost smell them from here!
Hmm. I know that hard work pays off, because I see the evidence in your beautiful garden. As for me, I spent fifteen minutes yesterday planting ten gypsy hyacinth bulbs then ran inside because I thought I felt a raindrop. I'm a gardening wimp!
Your pets are so sweet. I love animals. Your blog is very cool. Beautiful pictures.
You've been a busy little beaver, haven't you. I enjoy doing the fall clean up because it gets me outside in the fresh air which is invigorating. The rain can put a damper on outdoor activities though.
Good luck with your painting job. Ceilings are a bain in the back as far as I'm concerned. Painting is better than putting wall-paper on the ceiling.
You have such a lovely garden. And I just love the bunch of pink roses! I haven't cleaned up my garden yet for the winter. I was out on Saturday checking out bridal shops! The weather has been awful lately. I'd better the things cleaned up soon or it will be too late!
Jackie in ON
Thanks for your funny garden update tea! I'm also pruning my perrenials in spring. Your roses did still look so good! I love the last photo with the bouquet!
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