I`d like to say thanks so much for all the nice comments from everyone. I`ve been so far behind in reading my favorite blogs lately and need to get doing that tonight. I doesn`t help that I have even more that aren`t listed yet! Sure wish I had a fast connection, then I could download them faster and see more at one sitting. Cable and fast internet are not out our way yet.
This weekend I thought it was finally time to clean up the kitchen ceiling before thinking of what to do with the walls. The roof leaked last year and left ugly marks all over. That`s fixed luckily now. The first picture is the two new plants I`ve aquired from my Dad. They were on their way out to the garbage at the garden centre. The smaller one doesn`t need much light so it should live. But the bigger one does and it may not because we don`t have a lot of light inside. I stuck them by the backdoor until I could figure out where to put them. Ended up keeping the big one in the hall near the door hoping tht will be good enough for it.....

This is the mess of water stains on the kitchen ceiling...

I`m not looking forward to painting this afterwards because it`s stucco-like and I`m going to make a huge mess!
The boards also need painting but they`ll be easier...I hope.

I`ll get the paint next weekend and face that job.

This BIN is supposed to work the best for covering things before painting.Then I can figure out the walls. I was going to get a white wallpaper with a moss green pinstripe, but may just paint them a soft white, though it may be too much white. I guess if I filled the walls with more plates etc it would work. That way when I get tired of the curtains I can just make some more and they would still match. Cheaper too. I like the green up above the cupboards though and might leave that. It`s just done with those little bottles of acrylic paint and a sponge. Under the cupboards here in this picture you can see how grubby the wallpaper looks now, more so even with the cupboards painted white. And look at that bump! I`ve also been tossing the idea around about that new stuff you can put on the counter top to change the look. That would be a hard one to figure out what colour to do though. Definately not more white! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Hello Tea, just thought I would pop in for a chat - hope you got the kettle on! When you get finished maybe you would like to come over and finish off the greenhouse for me?!! With the plants, if you think the one is suffereing from a lack of light if you get a nice day and the sun is shining and you have a sheltered place put it outside for a few hours, don't leave it to get cold though. I know it's colder with you so maybe that isn't possible.
One thing that I have learned from a stained ceiling is to put a special paint on the spots...I can't remember the name, but I'm sure the paint store would know.... it seals the stain so it don't leak through....I had a roof that leaked a few years ago and painted, and the stain leaked through, then my handyman who repainted it said that you had to use this sealer....Good Luck Tea...
I'll have to get some of that BIN. I have a spot where the shower leaked, over the living room, OF COURSE, that I need to cover! Think we all have spots here and there. I think most of them add to the charm, don't you? hehe. xo
Hi there. I've just recently found your blog (can't remember how though!) and we actually have a lot in common. I’m also in Ontario, about an hour west of Toronto. Sunday mornings are dedicated to Coronation Street! (I found out from my Mum what’s just happened in England and I was shocked.) I love my cozy little home as well (mine’s 103 years old) and I love the English country cottage look in my house and I wish I could get it in my garden too! Under the Tuscan Sun was a great movie, and I love James Herriot … watch All Creature Great and Small on PBS every Saturday night!
I know what you mean about dial-up internet being slow. We don’t have cable or high speed either, and I tried once uploading a photo and after about half an hour I gave up!
Good luck with your kitchen project, I look forward to the "after" photos.
Jackie in ON
I've made 3 attempts to comment, only to have it fail.Arghhh!!
I have light coloured kitchen walls and although it's a clean fresh look it can be cold. Your idea of adding colour with plates and fabric is a good one. It will give you that English cottage look you love too. Make sure you post pictures of the completed project and good luck !
There are two kinds of BIN. One is water based and the other is shellac based. The water based one doesn't work nearly as well. Sometimes the stains will bleed though it. The shellac based on is way better. It looks like you got the right one. Have fun.
Thanks for responding on my blog. I wanted to reply, but it didn't give a return email address.
DH checks the internet for Corrie updates as well, but he does tell me because my curiosity just gets the better of me!
I'm in the K-W area, are you close by?
Jackie in ON
Oh, Tea I have been painting so much on my house that I don't think I ever want to see another can of paint! I don't envy you the job ahead. But I'm sure it will look great when you're finished.
I like white walls because you can cover them in pictures, mirrors, plates whatever you like and you can change the look of a rooom quickly. I let the fabrics and items on the wall colour the room.
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