We found a floor! THE floor I never realized was possible to get. One that looks like wood but isn`t. After going to one place that was extravagantly expensive, we thought we`d try good ole Home Depot, and there it was. Something just new out that looks like wood but is vinyl and goes on like laminate, by the piece. Not a bad price at $45 for a pack of 24 strips and it`s guarenteed for 25 years and waterproof to boot. We can do it ourselves which saves large dollars! This one is called Hickory. The floor isn`t as golden in colour as showing in these pictures. Even my old counter looks golden in the last picture for some reason, on my monitor anyway.

Can`t wait to put it down!
I also found the perfect picture for the large frame. It`s a paint by number of all things. I never realized that they were still making them. We popped into a toy store and I thought I`d have a look just in case, and there it was! It will be fun to do and I like the idea of it being a painting, even if it is a cheat. Won`t need the glass in the frame now. I originally didn`t want any more matted ones but I liked this and do have a matt I can paint a colour to match or the same colour as the background of the roses even.

These are two of the frames I painted. They were dark green originally as I`d posted a day or two ago. I did them white, but thought they needed a bit more something. I also did this to the large frame I have with some gold acrylic paint and non stick tape to help keep a fairly straight line...

Nice~ the vinyl really does look like wood, doesn't it? That's very cool~
I so want to see that painted by numbers when it is done. Actually it's my husbands birthday at the end of the month and I have been contemplating buying him one of these kits. Not sure though as I don't want to offend his artistic abilities!
Lovely shade that you picked for the floor. Good luck with the 'paint by numbers'- a great idea for this time of the year too. l love the frames- the gold and white work well. Edward Rutherfurd is one of my favourite authors- get the book Sarum for your dad at another time.
Bests for now :)
That flooring is gorgeous! I love the color you chose. I think I'll see if that's available here!
I recently found an old paint by number that I did years ago! They're fun and that one is beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by, how you find me?
I love that flooring, just the sort of thing I am looking for, but I'm not sure we can get that flexible sort in the UK. The paint by numbers, brings back cosy memories of being 7 years old!
It`s fun to do what I`m a bit dissapointed to find that it`s acrylic paints rather than oil. I guess maybe they don`t have those kind anymore.
I don`t know really lol....most likely through some other link while I was looking at a bunch of blogs.
Horizon, He`s read them all so far :)
Love the flooring! Don't you just love the Home Depot? I could wander around there for hours!
Great find with floor and picture. I love them both. The floor looks so authentic, what a fantastic deal. I can't wait to see the whole room pulled together. Should be quite lovely!!! TWT
Your kitchen will be all ready for Christmas. Edward Rutherfurd is great isn't he, I'm just reading London for about the 4th time, I love all of his.
Would it be possible for you post the recipe for that chicken pot pie? It sounds really good!
The pictures look great, just like you were an artist....OK, I'm saying your an artist......
I really like the look of your wood floor....I have hardwood, my son refinished it for my Christmas present last year....it's beautiful... but I have laminate wood floors in kitchen and bath... it just gives the house a whole new look......Good Old Home Depot..
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