I`ve been getting Richters Seed and Plant catalogue for a few years and this year I decided to actually go for it and pre-order the small veg garden with some seeds and some plants and herbs. We love Basil and had a hard time finding much last year. Some juicy tomatoes etc.
I also discovered a lovely blog the other day called "Katherines Dream"
http://katherinesdream.blogspot.com/ . Carol is in the Cotswolds and well worth a visit, even if only in cyber space.
She`s gone and tagged me, and even though I`m finally admitting that I`m actually not inclined to like doing memes, this one looks easy and fun :) So here goes Carol....
The first thing I must do is find something in my blog about family....hmmmm... here we go.... "Pictures on my Fridge"
The second is about friends..."Daisy Lupin"
http://teaandmargaritas.blogspot.com/2007/06/daisy-lupin.htmlThe third has to be about me...."I Believe"
http://teaandmargaritas.blogspot.com/2006/08/i-believe.htmlThe fourth is something I love, well that would be many things but I`ll choose home..."A Saturday Morning Walk"
http://teaandmargaritas.blogspot.com/2007/07/saturday-morning-walk.htmlAnd the last is anything I feel like :)...hmmmm....I think I`ll throw in one of these...Dear old Teddy. He`s going to be 21 this March and sits by the fire when he`s not wanting some of Elvis` sloppy dog food topping. The other day he actually jumped way up on one of the beams! I got him down and scolded him for being too old for that now. I wish I`d have thought to take a picture....Bless his his heart, here`s one of his true tales..."The Day Young Angus Damn Near Kicked the Bucket" by The Cat That Would Be Heard
http://teaandmargaritas.blogspot.com/2006/12/day-young-angus-damn-near-kicked.htmlI`m not going to tag anyone but give it a try!
Have to rush now and get ready for work....see ya