It`s a beautiful sunny, breezy and warm afternoon here. Hard to believe it`s almost the end of September. Some mums have popped up in the mostly jungle green front garden beside the sedum.
Summer geranium is blooming brilliantly still, in a pot out back near a snapdragon.
I forget what these are but I was really giving up hope of seeing flowers yet still blooming at this time of year.
A strange combination of autumn coloured vines and fresh pink roses....
Angus poses amongst the autumn sedum and mums in the back garden.....
Then decides it`s the perfect day for a stretch out and nap.
And for me it`s a perfect day to sit outside and read this wonderful book by Susan Allen Toth....
A taste from page 23....... "As I wondered through London and then hitchhiked from Stratford to Stonehenge, Warwick Castle to Loch Lomond, I found myself not just dipping my toe into the current of the past but almost sinking into it over my head. When I walked down Whitehall, where Charles 1, flawed but gallant, had been executed, or stood in the shadows of Donne`s shrouded effigy in St Paul`s, or strolled the pleasure grounds at Hampton Court where Anne Boleyn had dallied with Henry VIII, I felt historical ghosts thick around me.................................................................... .................................. But history seemed to have vanished from Iowa. (my thoughts, North America) In England, it was still alive."
Angus is lovely. Sara from farmingfriends
Ah well, over here in good old England we have mainly grey, atmospheric skies with the occasional shot of melancholy golden sunshine - we had a little indian summer, but now we are into autumn. Gingers love the sun, don't they? I know all cats do, but gingers seem to worship it, like dear Angus.
Angus looks like he's smelling the flowers....or is he a she? And tell Elvis that if I was their I would give him a bone.....
Oh, Tea,
I love Susan Allen Toth. I have this book as well as another of hers.
Angus looks so relaxed and contented. I have a chance to have one or two of my sister's new kittens but don't know if my doggies would accept it/them. I do believe Elvis has a better temperament than my two. He must, if he can co-exist peacefully with cats. I didn't have a problem with my previous dogs but Penny really got bent out of shape when I tried to adopt a cat after Dusty died.
Oh yes history is very much still alive in England, if you've a mind to see it it's all around.
I've never heard of that author-it looks like an interesting read!xx
Oooh, that looks like a book I need to grab! I just love Angus. He looks so happy in the sun.
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