So here goes a tour around my back garden, the good and the bad of it, Sara :)
P.S. Hanna at This Garden Is Illegal has tagged me for this same meme I`ve just learned LOL. I`m as usual going to just let anyone who loves memes give this a try because some people are fussy on them. Hope that`s okay with you guys.
The butterfly bush is getting ready to bloom any day now. It`s so pretty when it blooms and the butterflys and hummingbirds love it. The plant beside it is a perennial geranium that`s just new this year and I`m not sure if it will flower yet. ...

This end doesn`t have much happening other than two new this year lavendar plants and some weeds sprouting through the wooden sink cover under the kitchen window hehe.
Sure can see that we need to add more sand on those bricks!...

The Bugle Vine.....bugle? lol I knew it was something musical. The Trumpet vine has gone mad again and is beginning to bloom. Oh and to the far right there, hidden on the ground...that was two gorgeous herb plants I had in my kitchen window. The one window that the plants seem to like. A luscious Basil and Rosemary, both dead to the world. I thought maybe they would revive somehow if I brought them outside. And a couple of daisies that need deadheading...

The potted cherry tomatoes are coming along wonderfully....

As are the Beafsteaks although some have wilty looking leaves for some reason this year and not from lack of watering. Must be because it`s not as hot this year maybe...

Yep, there`s the unfinished part. Still there. Still waiting to be finished. Covered in loose odd bricks holding down the now torn garbage bags...

And there`s my foot that went through the garbage bag into the muck as I was doing a balancing act across the random bricks to get to the "raised brick garden that would be"....

And these are the plants I had nicely arranged here and there in the front room that stopped blooming and had to come outside instead...

But my great big Delphinium has had babies this year and the Flox is doing great....

And my herbs. These are my very favorites back here. I so wish I could bring them into the kitchen after summer. They would look so fantastic in there. I`m going to stick some in the ground. I refuse to learn my lesson yet and am going to bring the small pots inside anyway :P No sign of strawberries yet, but there are a few flowers, so maybe....

Mmmmmmmm, the potted hot peppers are thriving, mud and all....

We`re getting tons of beans. I guess I should have bought climbing beans for those teepees though LOL

Well, that`s it for now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend and it`s not raining in England! You could send some this way. We only seem to get a few minutes of rain at a time this year.
If I ever finally get things done around here enough inside for pictures, I`ll post some.
See ya soon :D