It may not be the prettiest door, and it`s hidden with an old screen door I painted white, but I like it much better than the brown. It feels cottagey and will be having a plain white curtain, rather than that ecru lace one. Maybe it will hint at what`s inside eventually. Still the same in there for now. I haven`t even finished the couch yet. But maybe this weekend. So much to do. Want to get together with Jackie from Jacran Cottage too, one of these weekends. Look forward to that, just when...I don`t know yet!
The spring flowers are blooming. Not a lot of them, but what`s there is nice and looking better every day. And as you can see, the wood stumps for the cats are still there lol. It was like a hot day in summer this past weekend! Chilly now though, and we had a quick and very windy downpour. Good for the plants.....not so good for my Mum`s big trellis plant stand. The wind kept flipping it over and then upright again, smashing bits off. Almost like a small tornado here a few hours ago.

This is the new window in the frontroom. I stuck a glass of fake tulips on it. I felt an urge for something real too so , I dug up a spring flower and potted an ivy stem. The fake tulips actually look the best though. Hubby got the shelf for me to eventually put some real potted flowers and plants on. All the windows are being draped in plain white sheers hung from rings on wrought iron poles. Those are supposed to arrive this week. I`m excited....another small step forward to a hopefully nice room....

Hello there! I just stumbled across your blog. I am in Ontario, too.
I wanted to share this fabulous garden blog with you. I want to live in this lady's garden!
I`ll check that out Julia :)
Hello Tea....
Nice to see so many projects on the go, the green doors looks good and so does your little bed of spring flowers too. If you hadn’t said, I would never have doubted that the tulips weren’t real.
After weeks of gloriously warm weather we have a few days of rain now, its really making things grow in the garden and it smells lovely and fresh out there. Have a good day Tea. Love - Marion
Looks lovely! I like the tulips, they bring the outdoors in!
Everything looks great! When did you put 'a new front window' in?
Very nice!~ You might feel like you have lots to do, but you're getting lots done!
Lovely Tea, I bet the hyacinth fragrances your room too.
I can believe how green your grass is..!
How nice to see greening grass instead of snow through the window. The flowers are another nice reminder that the snow is going..going..gone!
Your decorating projects are moving right along. The green door is nice! Nothing like spring to energize you!
I never would have guessed either that the tulips weren't real! I like your green door. That's a good idea, painting the screen door white. Does it wear OK with the weather extremes?
I'm looking forward to getting together as well. Hopefully we can do it soon.
I really love how you have painted that door Tea it looks just beautiful cottage like! And about your dream house, can I have the other half then? Carol xox
Christine.... We got the window put in this past winter...the warm part before the real one arrived :)
Jackie....It`s outside paint and rust proof, so hopefully it does okay.Looking forward to getting together :) Looks like it may be into May or more though as far as I can figure. Family stuff on some of the weekends. But we WILL get together!
I don't know how dogs manage to get their feet so dirty. Before bringing them in the house I walk them across the lawns, then down the gravel path and still they manage to leave big black muddy foot prints everywhere if you don't stop them at the door.
Doesn't the door look smashing! Those plants and the tulips look so fresh and cheerful...with the green grass it looks very summery, thank goodness the snow is finished ;)
Stopping by via Jullie's World...Love your garden pic... so cute :) Like kitchen redo as well ... can't wait to see your progress along the way :)
Have a great day ~ Dionne
Love your green door.
And I think that's a knocker, below the window. Love it. I hardly ever see knockers. More's the pity.
your little trees stump seating area is darling ! We have stumps around in the flower beds here too...and as you said ! The cats seem to love them. Cute . Slowly migrating them out however due to ((whisper here)) TER-mites and such. Darn it because I love them.
Boy things are sure looking good around your place. The door in black was a GREAT idea. I like it ! More COTTAGE as you said and so crisp with the white. GOOD IDEA - I love it !
Isn't if nice what a little rain and then sunshine will do.....everything is turning green. Your tulips look real.... and your green door looks really nice....
There is so much to do in the spring that blog time has dwindled down.....but I will always check in on my friends blogs as I can...
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