I have an odd hours workday which isn`t too often luckily. The only good thing about it is that I`m not too tired or busy to do some things around here for the morning. One of them was to put something up about my re-doing the front room furniture etc.
My Mum called wanting to know if I`d like to pop out with her to Lens Mills Warehouse yesterday so I took this piece of cardboard just in case I could find a good bargain. The cloth beside it was my original sample, having collected all the green paint chips at Home Hardware. The cloth was just something I dug out of a drawer and I layed it over a chair to keep looking at the chips I had stapled to it. It`s not the shade of green I`m using anywhere. The cardboard one ( colours are a little different on camera) is the final descisions minus that pink paint chip and I haven`t yet added the new bits of fabric onto it for future use.

I found two packages of queen size sheet sets in the right colour green I wanted. $35.99 a set. Loads cheaper than apholstery fabric and washable. They have a pattern on them of some sort....tiny two tone lines, so should break up the "sheets on my couch" look hehe. My Mum has offered to help me make removable slip covers. They`re the largest last batch to the left in below picture. The colour is a little more brillint than is showing here. Also found some gorgeous fuschia/raspberry for a pillow frame and backing. 3 meters for $19 and change. The darker is an old tablecloth I had. Maybe another pillow backing. I want just a hint of this colour amongst the green as well as black. The fireplace is black so I thought a bit more might add some drama to this colour combo with the white walls.
I re-painted that green mirror in black and like it much better. It bothered me and I set it up and kept looking at it over a few days.
Those bright fake peonies are something I picked up at the dollor store for the kitchen at one time and I thought I`d use them against the greens I had to see how those two colours sat with me. Decided to go with, but maybe later get some more "real" looking ones when our short peony season is over and fresh aren`t available.
Things are evolving into something that I hope ends up looking nice. Hopefully when it comes time to find a round area rug for this part of the room, I can find something to match. As you can see the rug there now clashes horribly, but will go nice in the spare bedroom eventually.

Teddy seems to like trying out the tablecloth I threw over this little chair to see what it would look like......

This is that decorating book I picked up in St Jacobs on Saturday and a peek inside...

Not all of the pages are to my taste but it`s a nice find and E-Bay is amazing to find wonderful things as I have done in the past.

The camera isn`t capturing very well, just how lovely these pictures are....

Isn`t this cute how she`s set all these sock monkies on the bed? What a great kids room....

She bought furniture which would be great, but the shipping would be insane I would think.

Love these green dishes....