Sunday, November 01, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Horse is a Horse Of Course, of Cource......
Unless it`s a donkey, that is.....

When we went off to hubs` family reunion and took a walk down to the barn, it was becoming really overcast and a storm was blowing in. The horses and donkey seemed only interested in going inside the barn. Baby was the only one who didn`t seem concerned.
Angus, about to swat the camera lens....

Take a peek, if you get a chance, at
When we went off to hubs` family reunion and took a walk down to the barn, it was becoming really overcast and a storm was blowing in. The horses and donkey seemed only interested in going inside the barn. Baby was the only one who didn`t seem concerned.
Angus, about to swat the camera lens....
Take a peek, if you get a chance, at
Isn`t It Just Darling. It`s a brand new blog that`s young and hip, intelligent and interesting. She`s only just started it, but I love it already. Oh....and it`s by my daughter :) My blog isn`t linked to it because I told her that I`d like to continue remaining incognito lol
Sunday, September 06, 2009
'Tis Summer Finally, For a Few Days at Least....
I`m reading a book called "One Fifth Avenue" by Candace Bushnell. It`s light and funny and look at how descriptive she is......
"In a tiny room at the edge of the apartment, her husband, James, with his sweet balding head and messy blonde comb-over, was pecking away mercilessly at his computer, working on his book, distracted, and believing, as always, that he was on the edge of failure.
Of all his feelings,this edge of failure feeling was the most prominent. It dwarfed all other feelings, crowding them out and pushing them to the edge of his consciousness, where they squatted like old packages in the corner of a room. Perhaps there were good things in those packages, useful things, but James hadn`t the time to unwrap them."
Hubby captured this butterfly on the butterfly bush which finally only just began to bloom two weeks ago.
This Poplar tree was struck by lightening a few weeks ago in one of our many electrical summer storms. The bark was blasted off, and luckily no damage anywhere else except our 2 modems on the computers. This tree though makes a horrible mess in Spring. Leaves a thick layer of white fluf all over in it floats through the air as thick as snow. Not fun cleaning up what`s brought inside. So good riddens to it finally coming down and for an excellent price too.
All gone and I really don`t notice it missing.
The rare and hard to find "Arial Man" came and fixed my parents antenna for them. This side of the pond has decided to make it very hard for people living in the country to be able to watch tv without paying astronomical satellite fees.
Our arial totally conked out for good and we had to cave and get the basic satellite.
And here`s my little sugar man :) He`s over at Granny and Grampa`s for Shepards Pie with Mummy and Daddy.
And I saved sweety-pie Elvis for last....`scuse the weeds.....
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. It`s Labor Day long weekend here and I`m savoring every sunny hot moment! We have had a crap summer again here.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Welcome to the Jungle, Hubby Makes a Headboard and Melts the House
It`s been forever since I`ve bothered to post anything here, so I`m slamming up lots of pictures if there`s anyone that hasn`t given up peeking at this blog. We really haven`t had much of a summer. Rain or overcast skies for almost every day.This weekend seems to be our summer so far. Some flowers have bloomed and others are still trying to. Lots of green! The bugle vine ....bugle? I meant trumpet. Knew it was some sort of musical instrument has just started and the butterfly bush has no blooms yet. I`ve notices small patches of scarlet or yellow in some trees already along some roads :( No!!! It`s too early!!!

We`ve had 3 very small tomatoes to eat so far. I`m still hoping the others will ripen a bit. Carrots. lettuce and onions still aren`t ready. My garden is a little wetter than some, so it`s really behind and wants more bright sunshiny days...

Teddy...22 now, still enjoying a sit in the pot of catnip yesterday.

Izzy poses up on the roof

"Enough now" she says

Angus loves posing for the camera...

Sweet Elvis....

Nap time....

We decided to make some home made burgers and cook them for my Mum and Dad.
Not being on our BBQ, hubby er um forgot to pull it out away from the house. By the time he did remember it was a bit too late. He called me out and showed me and said "they are going to kill me! I gazed at it as horrified as he. All was well though, of course they knew it was an accident and my Mum said she has never really thought what the reason was to pull it out, and now she knows.My Mr. fix it has another thing to fix now...

The bedroom is finally finished. I wallpapered and then painted the ugly old dressers blackish and the bedside table gold leaf. Made two bedside throw rugs from some shaggy fabric that`s washable. With pets and this colour, everything MUST be washable LOL..

Never mind my dead hydrangeas....

And ta da! The headboard my husband made! I love it. It`s a budget headboard. The wood and stain cost about $100.

He didn`t have any tools for fancies so we searched and found some poly-whatsit ornaments and I stained them the same colour as the bed.

Think I`ll make a little off white skirt to hide the messies inside.

Bought an antique chandelier in Toronto when I went to stay over at my daughters for a fun weekend shopping trip and ordered an off white sheepskin rug from out west for the end of the bed.
My Mum found me some Euro pillow forms and I made covers for them with some fabric I had and added the tassels. Made the throw pillows except for the cream and gold one and bought a cheap cotton quilt and shams...washable of course!
Painted the picture frames black and painted some black on some prints I had.

I made a slip cover for this chair with some fabric I had sitting around. Slightly on the shiny side for my taste but will do for now.

Finally actually took the time to make the bed covers into slipcovers. Much easier to take off now and wash :)

And last but most important, my little sausage Tatum holstering my cell phone with my niece at the family reunion. He`s such a happy little man! The way the pictures taken looks like his head is bigger than his body LOL

So that`s what I`ve been up to. Changed the bathroom a bit but kept the wallpaper. I`ll save that for another day and try to get back here much sooner than this!!
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend. It`s a lovely sunny day here and no matter how hot it gets,it`s supposed to get really hot, I`m not complaining because we`ve had so few of them.
We`ve had 3 very small tomatoes to eat so far. I`m still hoping the others will ripen a bit. Carrots. lettuce and onions still aren`t ready. My garden is a little wetter than some, so it`s really behind and wants more bright sunshiny days...
Teddy...22 now, still enjoying a sit in the pot of catnip yesterday.
Izzy poses up on the roof
"Enough now" she says
Angus loves posing for the camera...
Sweet Elvis....
Nap time....
We decided to make some home made burgers and cook them for my Mum and Dad.
Not being on our BBQ, hubby er um forgot to pull it out away from the house. By the time he did remember it was a bit too late. He called me out and showed me and said "they are going to kill me! I gazed at it as horrified as he. All was well though, of course they knew it was an accident and my Mum said she has never really thought what the reason was to pull it out, and now she knows.My Mr. fix it has another thing to fix now...
The bedroom is finally finished. I wallpapered and then painted the ugly old dressers blackish and the bedside table gold leaf. Made two bedside throw rugs from some shaggy fabric that`s washable. With pets and this colour, everything MUST be washable LOL..
Never mind my dead hydrangeas....
And ta da! The headboard my husband made! I love it. It`s a budget headboard. The wood and stain cost about $100.
He didn`t have any tools for fancies so we searched and found some poly-whatsit ornaments and I stained them the same colour as the bed.
Think I`ll make a little off white skirt to hide the messies inside.
Bought an antique chandelier in Toronto when I went to stay over at my daughters for a fun weekend shopping trip and ordered an off white sheepskin rug from out west for the end of the bed.
My Mum found me some Euro pillow forms and I made covers for them with some fabric I had and added the tassels. Made the throw pillows except for the cream and gold one and bought a cheap cotton quilt and shams...washable of course!
Painted the picture frames black and painted some black on some prints I had.
I made a slip cover for this chair with some fabric I had sitting around. Slightly on the shiny side for my taste but will do for now.
Finally actually took the time to make the bed covers into slipcovers. Much easier to take off now and wash :)
And last but most important, my little sausage Tatum holstering my cell phone with my niece at the family reunion. He`s such a happy little man! The way the pictures taken looks like his head is bigger than his body LOL
So that`s what I`ve been up to. Changed the bathroom a bit but kept the wallpaper. I`ll save that for another day and try to get back here much sooner than this!!
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend. It`s a lovely sunny day here and no matter how hot it gets,it`s supposed to get really hot, I`m not complaining because we`ve had so few of them.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
I`m a Bad Blogger.......
Wow....Spring is finally here. An unusually chilly one though.
I`ve been busy working and too tired when I get home to blog really. I think I`ve run out of things to write about. Also any time I`m on the computer it`s doing research looking for specific things and with slow internet....oh boy! Hours wasted LOL
Hubby is making a headboard from a picture for our bed and then later the footboard. When that`s all done and we`re finally able to find some nice wood appliques, I`ll post about it.
For now, here`s Elvis and Tatum for you Judy :) Tat is such a happy little guy and already 7 months old! Off to work soon. This is one of the rare unfortunate days that I`m working in the afternoon. But these days I`m thankful to have a job.
Hope everyone is doing good.

I`ve been busy working and too tired when I get home to blog really. I think I`ve run out of things to write about. Also any time I`m on the computer it`s doing research looking for specific things and with slow internet....oh boy! Hours wasted LOL
Hubby is making a headboard from a picture for our bed and then later the footboard. When that`s all done and we`re finally able to find some nice wood appliques, I`ll post about it.
For now, here`s Elvis and Tatum for you Judy :) Tat is such a happy little guy and already 7 months old! Off to work soon. This is one of the rare unfortunate days that I`m working in the afternoon. But these days I`m thankful to have a job.
Hope everyone is doing good.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Moving Things Around
Tatum is 5 months old now! He`s really growing fast and so sweet.

I have a "what do I put of the shelf?" window problem. The plants don`t match at all and I`ve now moved them. I brought the dark pink flowers out from the bedroom for the table for now, until I can think of something else. They are springy anyway and add colour. The chest is from the hall. I wish I had another round picture for the other side of the window. Maybe I can find one sometime. I love that Pears Soap dog. He`s from the kitchen.
This was painted gold before and I decided to make it more garden-like with some acrylic paints and water.

It`s now sitting in the window looking lonely LOL
This mirror went from the bedroom to the kitchen and now the end of the frontroom.

This is another project waiting to be done. I found this heavy Ralph Lauren Khaki stripe online really cheap.

Lots of plants in the kitchen. That stone vase was $15 at a vintage shop downtown Toronto. Picked it up when we went to visit my daughter. It can hold water well for flowers or plants. I stuck an artificial one in for now.

Sunday was my first day off in 13 days and I got a lot done. Removed two cupboard doors and lined them with fabric stapled on. Some jagged lace is what I have in mind for the edges. The under sink cupboards are coming off next and a skirt to replace them when I get the fabric and the energy. I do have the rod already hehe.

I hauled in this old mirror from the spare room and put a print on either side. They need frames yet someday. And moved over a bit. I shoud wait until things are the right way before I post pictures really, but hey, this is real life and I`m decorating "on a dime" or "a dollar" these days. I`m trying for a country style French/Italian/English look LOL Besides, my blogging powers have poorly sunk since I first started out and it`s easier and faster to slap up pictures than use the brain power for Toe Tales or Theodore tsk.

The dog print has now moved above the computer table. I made a skirt and stapled it on around and brought in an old lamp.

Teddy turned 22 this month and though scraggly looking, he`s still got some spunk left in him. I had this crystal hainging in the window and when I changed the curtains it fell on the floor and became a toy.

I`ve saved the best pictures for last :)

I have a "what do I put of the shelf?" window problem. The plants don`t match at all and I`ve now moved them. I brought the dark pink flowers out from the bedroom for the table for now, until I can think of something else. They are springy anyway and add colour. The chest is from the hall. I wish I had another round picture for the other side of the window. Maybe I can find one sometime. I love that Pears Soap dog. He`s from the kitchen.
This was painted gold before and I decided to make it more garden-like with some acrylic paints and water.

It`s now sitting in the window looking lonely LOL
This mirror went from the bedroom to the kitchen and now the end of the frontroom.
This is another project waiting to be done. I found this heavy Ralph Lauren Khaki stripe online really cheap.
Lots of plants in the kitchen. That stone vase was $15 at a vintage shop downtown Toronto. Picked it up when we went to visit my daughter. It can hold water well for flowers or plants. I stuck an artificial one in for now.
Sunday was my first day off in 13 days and I got a lot done. Removed two cupboard doors and lined them with fabric stapled on. Some jagged lace is what I have in mind for the edges. The under sink cupboards are coming off next and a skirt to replace them when I get the fabric and the energy. I do have the rod already hehe.
I hauled in this old mirror from the spare room and put a print on either side. They need frames yet someday. And moved over a bit. I shoud wait until things are the right way before I post pictures really, but hey, this is real life and I`m decorating "on a dime" or "a dollar" these days. I`m trying for a country style French/Italian/English look LOL Besides, my blogging powers have poorly sunk since I first started out and it`s easier and faster to slap up pictures than use the brain power for Toe Tales or Theodore tsk.
The dog print has now moved above the computer table. I made a skirt and stapled it on around and brought in an old lamp.
Teddy turned 22 this month and though scraggly looking, he`s still got some spunk left in him. I had this crystal hainging in the window and when I changed the curtains it fell on the floor and became a toy.

I`ve saved the best pictures for last :)
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