In Loving Memory
Teddy aka "The Cat That Would Be Heard"
March 1987-April 14 2010
I had to finally put Teddy to rest last Friday. Had the vet come to the house. It was was heartbreaking. You lived a long good life Teds and shared so very many memories with me in this house for 23 years. You were the last to share them.
It`s empty feeling now in the front room without old Teds laying on his pillow by the fire.

I know I don`t bother much with this blog anymore and I`m sorry for that because I`ve lost touch with so many wonderful bloggers. I just haven`t had the inspiration over the past few years and nothing really to write about anymore.
Life is strange and rather puzzling at times filled with many questions and no answers. Questions I`m afraid to ask for fear of the answers I guess. Oh well such is life. Onward and upward...stiff upper lip as Theodore might say LOL Teddy on the other hand would have given me a cuddle and purr :)
Anyway, it`s a beautiful and glorious summer day here on this May 24th long weekend and I don`t have to work until tomorrow. It`s Queen Victoria`s Day or rather called Victoria Day here in Canada. Loads of fireworks go off this night.
We did go to the horse races last night and that was fun. And I loved Alice in Wonderland by the way.
A wonderful movie to see is called " Letters To Juliet " and Vanessa Regrave is perfect in it. It takes place in Tuscany and is one of those movies that makes you just sigh for the touching love and beauty in it. Highly recommended!
Have a wonderful weekend if there is still anyone out there that might happen by here.